Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008


No, but the buzzards have been circling my blog since I started working. But alas, my work schedule is slowly getting normalized and I'll have time to post more! Here is a perfect example of why Palin didn't do any news conferences. McCain camp was smart to keep her away!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good Obama Ad Using Debate Footage

It's really amazing how fast they can churn out ad's these days. Having worked in the industry I know there are some poor souls over at an ad agency that had to eat crappy pizza and drink coffee all night to get this done. Amazing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Bob Sheifer, tonights debate moderator, sure does seem to have an affinity towards John McCain. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that these two have spent quite a bit of time alone on the back of the No Talk Express. Look out for any bias tonight.

UPDATE: He did great! Not a hint of bias.

Fracking Hilarious Website of the Week

This is too damn funny. Just click around and wait for the laughs.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tom Tomorrow on Repugnican Ignorance

It's been tough to post as of late, doing the temp thing - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It will be even harder to post when I get a full time gig - which is hopefully on the near horizon. In fact, in a recent interview I gave my interviewer my blog address. Luckily all the racy stuff in weeks past! Have a funny feeling she might know that I don't like John McCain or fruit flies - same thing either way. Both pesky and both attracted to vinegar with soap in it. Enough babbling, here's the cartoon!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

McCain the Hot Head

Mini-doc about McCain renowned temper:

The Palin Mob!

These are the people we are up against. SCARY!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama Calls McSame a Chicken McCainugget is the transcript of an Obama interview with "Charlie" Gibson:

IBSON: Change the subject for a moment. John McCain has unloaded on you in the last 72, 96 hours as has Sarah Palin. McCain is saying, essentially, we don’t know who Barack Obama is, where he came from. I’m an open book, he’s not.
OBAMA: Right.

GIBSON: Were you surprised, A, that he didn’t bring it up last night at the debate and use that line of attack? And, B, since you must have prepared for it, what were you going to say?

OBAMA: Well, I am surprised that, you know, we’ve been seeing some pretty over-the-top attacks coming out of the McCain campaign over the last several days that he wasn’t willing to say it to my face.

But I guess we’ve got one last debate. So presumably, if he ends up feeling that — that he needs to, he will raise it during the debate.

The notion that people don’t know who I am is a little hard to swallow. I’ve been running for president for the last two years. I’ve campaigned in 49 states. Millions of people have heard me speak at length on every topic under the sun. I’ve been involved now in 25 debates, going on my 26th. And I’ve written two books which any — everybody who reads them will say are about as honest a set of reflections by, at least, a politician as are out there.

So, you know, I think that, you know, Senator McCain’s campaign has been focusing on me primarily because they don’t want to focus on the economy. And they’ve said as much. I mean, you’ve had their spokespeople over the last couple of days say if we talk about the economic crisis, we lose.

I mean, you can’t be much more blatant than that. They want to change the subject. And I understand it because the fact is that John McCain has subscribed, for the most part, to the same economic philosophy as George Bush, the same economic philosophy that has governed over the last eight years and has helped to get us in this mess.

OMG, Palin Has Facial Hair and Open Pores!

The Fox ladies, freak out about an untouched up Newsweek cover of Sarah Palin. I love their classic "SOME people say..."

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Obama Mini-Doc on McCain's Keating 5 Scandal

Please forward this to any and everybody to spread the work about McFraud's fauxniness.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Real Scary Thing About Al Davis

Is that his mind is deteriorating faster than his body.

Fracking Hilarious!

Good/Bad Omen's?

Word has it that Palin got off the plane in St Louis (site of the debate) and was seen with a bandage around her hand. Apparently she had fallen while jogging at McCain's Sedona ranch (one of his 7 homes!).

Word has it that Biden got off the plane, all smiles, and caught a football thrown by one of his aides in stride.


NY Times on SF Politics

Interesting article on SF and the local/national demographic/geographic divide. Begs the question, to quote GW Bush, "Why do they hate us" here in SF? Pass the arugula!!!

Random Thought About the Debate

How should Biden address Palin? Governor? Governor Palin? Sarah? I think we will be able to tell the tone of how Biden is going to play this by how he addresses her. "Governor" would lead me to believe he is going to come at her soft. "Governor Palin" will mean he's going to come neutral. "Sarah" will mean he's not going to hold anything back. It could also come off as patronizing. Oh man...this is going to be good.

Ladies and Gentlemen...

...the next VP of the United States! Oh Dog no! Please don't let it be!!!!

Homer Votes for Obama!

...and the electronic voting machine tries to kill him!

Sarah Silverman Working to Convince Florida Jews to go Obama!

Funny lady tackling a not so funny subject of elderly Jews in Florida literally holding the fate of our country in their hands while being so grossly mis-informed on Obama's views. Here is the full website. Silverman is one funny lady!

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.


"I am the Master of Low Expectations"

GW Bush quote. No joke. I think it is in this context that the Biden/Palin debate tonight should be framed. Have you ever heard of somebody coming into a debate at a lower point in public perception about them? At this point, all Palin needs to do is show up, not cry (actually that might be good for her - see Hilary Clinton) and just not completely crack, and it will be considered a win. The danger here is more Biden's side. Does he go on the attack and risk coming off as a sarcastic, snarky bully? Or does he play is safe and wait for Palin to dig her own grave. But if we're halfway through and Palin is doing well, what does Biden do? He either risks coming off as that bully or he risks the perception that he is losing a debate to such a light weight like Palin. I think he has the more difficult task tonight. Here's a good little analysis from Huff Post about the dangers of tonight. I expect an entertaining debate but I am erring on the side that I think Palin will come out better not because she is a more knowledgeable politician and more experienced, but because anything short of a disaster plays in her favor. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


She starts off ok enough, sticking with her "It's the States decision" talking points but once Katie asks her a question about court cases...I'll let you judge for yourself. Man, who woulda thunk Katie Couric of all people would tear her up. Not that she did it intentionally. I mean all she did is ask the freaking lady some questions that a college grad could answer. But dang, she has successfully shown this woman to be purty dumb dumb.

I thought McCain was against torture? The man outa step in by asking her to step out.

Oh yeah, big up's for giving a shout out for "Greek history". WTF is she talking about?

Angry Old Man

Somebody is a little bit cranky this morning:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fracking Hilarious - Palin's "Facebook Page"


Not for Palin, but for me working a temp job that doesn't allow me to mess around all day and post onto my blog. But hey, after work works! Check out this clip of Sarah Palin not being able to mention ONE newspaper that she reads. Sounds like Bush with lipstick on. Damn....that would be sweet if Biden could actually say that. Behold:

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cafferty Absolutely SLAMS Palin

Ouch....brutal. Starting to feel sorry for her. Ehhhhhhh...maybe not.

Love how Wolf tries to come to her rescue and how Cafferty calls him what he is, a Palin apologist.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Wow! No wonder the McCain campaign is playing the distraction game. He really doesn't want ANYBODY to notice this fiasco of an interview and really really really wants to postpone the debates so that Sarah Palin never actually has to be in front of the cameras in an unscripted manner. I mean shiznit, she can't even do it in a one on one interview with notes. Sorry to say, but this woman is STOOPID.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Great Article On Politicians View of Iran

For all his good qualities, Obama, like every other American politician in recent memory, soooooooo wants Iran to be a bad guy and sooooooo panders shamelessly to the Zionist lobby. False accusations that Iran wants Israel to disappear (false), they want to kill all the Jews (20k jews live in Iran and they have parliamentary representation), that they have an advanced nuclear program (false), and they think America is on the downturn in terms of it's power (true). So the end result: politicians pandering and spewing fire about how horrible Iran is. It is pure pandering to the Israeli lobby here in the United States that does not allow ANY criticism of the Zionist dominated Israeli government. Any criticism is met with accusations of at a minimum the messenger being anti-semetic or even worse being called a terrorist. Regular Americans have been brainwashed about the Israel-Palestine issue to a point that saying anything bad about Israel as a politician is toxic. A simple reading of history and current events should convince just about any un-biased observer that the real menace and aggressor here is Israel. Such a shame that Obama falls right into this trap. I have higher expectations for my politicians. In fact, it's exactly issues like these that made me vote for Nader the last two elections (let the hating on Nader being - sigh). Here's a great article from Salon speaking to this issue. Kudo's to Larry King for actually letting Ahmadinejad speak to some of the lies about his country. Granted, Ahmadinejad is no angel (blatant homophobic), but Iran is not what the mainstream media and politicians make it out to be. It would also be like people judging you and me by Bush - now that's scurry.

Mediterranean Diet is Dying!

Interesting article from the NY Times about changes in the Mediterranean diet and changing eating habits in parts of Europe - particularly Greece James! I seem to recall another article about Japan's changing body types due to a change in diet to a more convenience high fat diet common to none other than the US of A. Exporting fatness one culture at a time!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain is Sexist!

Campbell Brown has a good point. More important here is that the press is turning on McCain BIG TIME. Bring it!

Gavin Newsome on Huff Post

I got a letter recently about Healthy San Francisco. I was skeptical at first. I UNIVERSAL health insurance in the land of capitalism?! I thought I was in Cuba or Canada or somewhere in Europe. Couldn't be true. But is sounds like it is! This is great, governments number one job should be to take care of it's citizens contrary to Repugnican philosophy. Here is Gavie's post on Huff Post today. I used to dislike him, especially when he ran against Gonzales, but he has done nothing but earn me giving him the benefit of the doubt. Way to go Gav!

Why I Read British Newspapers

I read just about every liberal blog out there, the NY Times, The Chron for local news, Politico because of it's all politics format, AND the UK Guardian. Of all of them, I probably take the Guardian's positions most seriously. Even though blogs are helpful, they are often time American liberal rants - which is fine - but it's always good to get a foreign perspective on things. They just say things that NO American news outlet dare say. Par example: Great article calling Dems that won't vote for a black man regardless of politics what they are - RACIST. Good read.

Chris Rock on Bill Clinton and Sarah Palin

Chris Rock telling it like it is about Bill Clinton. You know what *uck him. They lost, Hillary has moved on, it's time to move on Bill. To use the cliche "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Doesn't he have some Kazakhstani politician to court to "donate" millions to the Bill Clinton Foundation? Seriously Bill....GO AWAY.

Monday, September 22, 2008

WTF?! Raiders Org Showing the Class They Always Have

Tim Kakawami can be a tool sometimes. Especially on his late night rants and odd obsessions (see Kevin Garnet). But this was something special:

The guy threatening him is part of the Raiders management team otherwise known as the "Al Davis is GOD" organization. The old man has lost it and it's trickling down to his management. The Raiders just made themselves look even more pathetic than they are...which is pretty pathetic.

On a related note, NINERS kicked arse this weekend!

UPDATE: Ha ha ha...looks like somebody in the Raiders org didn't like that video being out there and the offending part has been removed. The Raiders are *ucking pathetic.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bill Maher Keeping it Real

This is a funny little rant about a lot of things but the kicker are the comments about pedophile Levi who is 18 and impregnated a 17 year old girl. Ok, that's a strech but hey...I can't stand these people. The premise is that Levi is a political prisoner and has been forced into having a kid he probably didn't want by his own admission and being forced into a marriage that probably didn't want either. My bet is that if his little girlfriends mommy wasn't such an abortion Nazi that he would have asked her daughter to abort. Just my take based on this little rednecks previous statements. Soooo...Bill Maher has started a FREE LEVI campaign and even started a website call FUNNY!

The Week of Horror

I have a feeling McCain is sitting in a dark room having flashbacks saying "the horror.....the horror". And no, not a flashback to Vietnam, a flashback to his horrific week on the campaign trail. The poll numbers were already shifting in Obama's favor at the beginning of the week as Palin's bubble burst...I can only imagine what next weeks polls will have in store for us. Rachel Maddow entertainingly sums up McCain's horrible week on the campaign trail:

Friday, September 19, 2008


McCain and their surrogates have been touting Sarah Palin "the person that knows more about energy issues than anybody in the country". Well, we all know that's laughable. I bet there are over 30 graduate students at Stanford alone that more about energy than Sarah Palin a Sports Journalism major in college. we are folks, Palin talking about energy. Funny, she seems to have no *ucking clue what she's talking about. Any paragraph using "fungible" and "molecules" in the first few sentences is doomed to failure.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On a Somber Note

I found out today that a Palo Alto High (Paly) legend passed away. His name was David Hahn. He was known not just because of his handicap, but more so because no matter where you were he seemed to be there and spreading nothing but pure good energy. One would think that a handicap would make somebody recoil and go inward. Most people without handicap's do that for much lesser superficial reasons. But David did not let that stop him from being the most friendly, outgoing, positive guy you could ever hope to meet. He would bring a smile to your face just with his presence and it wasn't ever out of ridicule. He could cheer up Dick Cheney if he ever left his underground layer. Of all the people that went to my high school, James Franco being one of them, I always remembered David. He will be missed by his family and everybody that knew him. Rest in Peace David - you will be missed.

McCain the Perv

Looks like the McCain the wife cheating perv is at it again. He just can't keep his eyes off of her arse. Watch out Cindy! If he keeps this up, you'll be the next one he dumps for a younger more politically connected woman. And Cindy isn't even handicapped like his first wife - oh wait, she a petty thief and pill popper.

McCain es Muy Estupido!

Sounds like McCain, a "foreign policy expert", has no idea who the president of Espana is. He kinda flubbed this interview. I don't think it will sit too kindly with Latinos in general.

FYI, I have to give a shout out to Steve Benen from the Washington Monthly. He is the blogger formerly known as The Carpetbagger. In my opinion, he is represents the best of the liberal blogging world combining witty criticism without being outright angry (which is tempting in politics) and always backs his commentary up with "facts", something right wingers have trouble doing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You Have Got to be Kidding Me

Repugnicans have no shame. First McCain tried (somewhat successfully) to steal the "Change" mantle and now they're stealing the "Enough" mantle. They're basically plagiarizing the Obama message at every turn. They're stealing lines from speeches and making them theirs. How disingenuous is that? These people have no ideas - it's quite pathetic. The question is are some Americans stupid enough to fall for it - that scares me.

Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain Beat Down on The View

McCain gets it from all sides on The View:

This little pervert is still probably in hog heaven. He's probably on the show to scout for some fresh meat in the case that Cindy even gets into an accident and he has to dump her for somebody younger and wealthier - oh snap!

Who Let the Media Out! WOOF WOOF!

Looks like the gloves are coming off even in the media. Maybe they got offended that the McCain camp basically called them "mean" and that he wasn't going to talk to "mean people". He used to give access to any member of the media on the "No Talk Express" but he stopped that practice about 2 months ago when he started inserting his $500 loafers in his mouth too much. And now they hide Sarah Palin while she openly tells lies on the campaign trail and tell the media to basically *uck off until they show her "respect and deferrence" (actual quote). So now comes this article going after Cindy McCain for her drug addiction and the strings that John McCain pulled for her to get her out of trouble. It was originally going to be in the Washington Post but the story now mysteriously appeared on another new website. Maybe the pro-Republican WaPo didn't want to take TOO much credit for it but wanted it to be out nonetheless. It's the Washington Post too which is no sweetheart to Democrats. Saaaaaaweet!

New Obama "Change" Ad

As promised, the campaign is taking back the "change" mantle more aggressively (see video below). I have full confidence that the Obama camp knows exactly what they're doing. The was I see this is McCain camp has been jabbing away, took one big swing with Palin and nicked Obama's chin stunning the campaign, but now I think Obama is going to swing back and nail the crap out of them - TKO baby! - but that requires the patience to find and opening...and I think that time is now.

Obama Counterpunch?

By all accounts, it sounds like Obama is planning a major shift in the attack line on McCain starting today. I like it already (see below). The video actually dates McCain, an obvious play on his age which has not been touched by Obama up until now. Time to make sure everybody in the US knows that this man is OLD and can croak any day now and leave Sarah Stalin in charge - now that's f-ing scary (MATT.....DAMON agrees). They are also apparently going to be attacking the "change" mantra that McCain has been trying to steal - he went there - now they're going to expose this phony for the "more of the McSame" that he is.

I have also seen what have been otherwise friendly to McCain reporters starting to call McCain the "spade" that he is. Here is an AP article and an NY Times article both calling McCain the phony that he is. The media is starting to turn on him. I envision a big drop off from the Palin high in the polls starting next week. Count me part of the optimists camp because I think Obama is going to squash McCain in November (Bill Clinton agrees).