Thursday, October 2, 2008

"I am the Master of Low Expectations"

GW Bush quote. No joke. I think it is in this context that the Biden/Palin debate tonight should be framed. Have you ever heard of somebody coming into a debate at a lower point in public perception about them? At this point, all Palin needs to do is show up, not cry (actually that might be good for her - see Hilary Clinton) and just not completely crack, and it will be considered a win. The danger here is more Biden's side. Does he go on the attack and risk coming off as a sarcastic, snarky bully? Or does he play is safe and wait for Palin to dig her own grave. But if we're halfway through and Palin is doing well, what does Biden do? He either risks coming off as that bully or he risks the perception that he is losing a debate to such a light weight like Palin. I think he has the more difficult task tonight. Here's a good little analysis from Huff Post about the dangers of tonight. I expect an entertaining debate but I am erring on the side that I think Palin will come out better not because she is a more knowledgeable politician and more experienced, but because anything short of a disaster plays in her favor. Stay tuned!

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