Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama Counterpunch?

By all accounts, it sounds like Obama is planning a major shift in the attack line on McCain starting today. I like it already (see below). The video actually dates McCain, an obvious play on his age which has not been touched by Obama up until now. Time to make sure everybody in the US knows that this man is OLD and can croak any day now and leave Sarah Stalin in charge - now that's f-ing scary (MATT.....DAMON agrees). They are also apparently going to be attacking the "change" mantra that McCain has been trying to steal - he went there - now they're going to expose this phony for the "more of the McSame" that he is.

I have also seen what have been otherwise friendly to McCain reporters starting to call McCain the "spade" that he is. Here is an AP article and an NY Times article both calling McCain the phony that he is. The media is starting to turn on him. I envision a big drop off from the Palin high in the polls starting next week. Count me part of the optimists camp because I think Obama is going to squash McCain in November (Bill Clinton agrees).

1 comment:

sfbbeeck said...

Hell yeah! Bring the old man and the Devil wears lipstick DOWN!