Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mediterranean Diet is Dying!

Interesting article from the NY Times about changes in the Mediterranean diet and changing eating habits in parts of Europe - particularly Greece James! I seem to recall another article about Japan's changing body types due to a change in diet to a more convenience high fat diet common to none other than the US of A. Exporting fatness one culture at a time!


Dimitri said...

That photo is gross. I'm protesting your site.

sfbbeeck said...

Seriously one of the sickest photos ever! Talk about a good to kill appetite!

sfbbeeck said...

supposed to say....good way to kill the appetite...i need to learn how to edit ;)

Dimitri said...

When I first read you post, Beeck, I thought it said "Talk about good people to kill" And for a split second I was like 'woah, girl takes her fitness way too seriously.'